Thursday, September 20, 2012


This poster brings water conservation into awareness. In this poster we see a too-large fish trying to breath inside of a too-small bowl. This advertisement was commissioned by Hartman Design Studio in Calgary for the United Nation’s water for life campaigns’ website.

A real fish being inside water is representational of how fish are in their natural habitat, but this advertisement is different. It is the change in the fish’s representation from a comfortable to a harmful place that ensues the stress and concern from the viewer. The representational aspect of the real fish being in the real water is abstracted by the size of each of the objects.

The abstraction is the idea and what makes the advertisement have more impact. Viewers may be stressed and feel called into action to explore what the ad is about in order to save fish. The impact of the uncomfortable abstraction immediately leads to the symbol text at the bottom and also commits the image to the viewer’s memory.

The obvious symbols are in text form in the bottom right hand corner indicating the purpose or where to find the purpose of this ad. Due to there only being a short website and no fact, slogan, or call to action this ad and the text leave the viewer anxious to look for a solution or immediately visit the website. The two words in the website’s name is the only immediate solution- to be aware of water use. The symbols are the solution represented by the abstract visual.

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