Thursday, October 18, 2012

WEEK 7 - Visual Perception

Borrowed from:

My eye immediately goes to the strict use of black and white in these two posters that create contrast. Secondly, to the white semicircles. Thirdly, to the negative space and what is in it. The delicate motion in the moon poster allows the eye to begin on either top or bottom and travel back and forth. The sunshine poster reminds me of looking at the sun where you can only have a quick glance in the direction of it then immediately bounce to look away at what is below. The spacial layout of the two posters side by side are contrasting. If looked at as one larger image, it seems as though the word moon represents the moon itself and is rotating around the sun on the other poster. Also, the lines look as if they are connecting the moon and the earth. I cannot really tell what is on the bottom of the sunshine page but it bounces my eyes back to the semicircle.

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