Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 9- McKim Reading Exercise

Both of our strategies turned out to be the same...we:

- Started searching left to right.
- Circled or numbered each triangle to "mark" it off.
- "Categorized" each shape as a triangle or a segment of one from beginning to end.
- Used "finding" to search for the shapes that made up the cat during the whole exercise. 
- We also "rotated" the image of triangles in our head while searching for them in order to find all of the correct shapes no matter what direction they were facing. 

The only difference was that I mentally crossed off the shapes as I found them while the other person covered them with their fingers to mark off that they had already been counted. The other person had to count multiple times because they weren't numbered. 

Maura's Strategies in order:

- My pattern-seeking strategies began with "pattern completion" and "pattern-seeking". I pointed to each shape on one bracelet while looking at the other then comparing the direction of both of them. I started by comparing the top two bracelets.
- I found that neither of the bracelets matched on the screen, so I thought about if one of them were flipped over since they were supposed to represent 3-D things and "rotated" the top one. 
- I used "orthographic imagination" to picture how the bracelet would look if it were flipped over and I was viewing it from another viewpoint.
- I marked on the paper to make notes of where differences occurred between them.

Other Person's steps in order: 

- he had to rotate it in order to see the shape as a 3-d object and then flip it. "orthographic imagination" this was the first step he used after comparing them without flipping.
- "pattern seeking" and one of them "doesn't match up quite right"
- "matching" by looking at three patterns of shapes to determine the similar two.
- he looked at it as an object, flipped, and rotated it.
- overall he just solved it quicker and didn't have to make notes or annotations himself.

(annotated by me after asking questions)

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